Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a laboratory test that measures the mineral content of your hair. It's a non-invasive, and cost-effective way to measure your mineral level.

You can order an HTMA test online through our website. We provide easy-to-follow instructions and a sample collection kit to make the process as simple as possible.

No consultation is required to purchase an HTMA test — simply order Profile Two online and follow the directions for collecting and submitting your sample, then follow the report's recommendations. However, if you have medical complications, a consultation is recommended. In which case, order Profile One or Three.

We'll need an hour for the first consultation, so factor in $110. Following consultations will vary, depending on time taken.

The results of your HTMA test will be available around 14–21 business days after we receive your sample.

We recommend repeating the second test at about 4–6 months, then annually, or even once every two years if your health is excellent. If there is ever a significant change in health and fitness, repeat the test a month or two later to get a handle on what has happened and how best to respond.

Absolutely, yes! HTMA guides accurate nutrition, including organ health such as the adrenals, which are critical for athletic performance and prowess, illness, injury resistance, healing, and recovery.

If your hair is coloured and not dyed or bleached, then it is fine to clip and send a sample to us after a few weeks. If dyed or bleached, then wait several weeks for sufficient new growth to provide an adequate sample of undamaged hair. If your needs are urgent, you may use pubic hair, but scalp hair is better for our purposes.

We recommend every newborn is tested as soon as a lock of hair is available and repeated at crucial stages of growth and development. HTMA will guide baby's nutrition as well as identifying exposure to ubiquitous toxins such as lead and arsenic.

No, unfortunately, HTMA testing, consultations, and associated supplements are not covered by insurance, ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation), or Social Services. The support and coverage for natural health services remain limited within these systems.

It's important to note that there's a prevalent lack of support or coverage for natural health practices from the established governing bodies. While this means that our services may not be subsidised or refunded through these channels, there is a silver lining to this situation.

By not relying on subsidies or refunds, we maintain our commitment to providing high-quality services and products. Our survival hinges on the excellence of the services we offer and, more importantly, on the substantial health benefits experienced by our clients.

While the lack of coverage might present financial challenges for some, our focus remains on delivering exceptional care and achieving positive health outcomes for our clients. We're dedicated to assisting you in optimising your health, regardless of the limitations in coverage from insurance, ACC, or Social Services.

If you have further questions or require more information about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to support you on your journey to better health and well-being.


If you live in New Zealand, everything you need is available at our online store. We don't ship overseas. If not living in New Zealand, please arrange a consultation with us and we'll help you locate the same or similar products near you.

Repeat the HTMA test after 4–6 months and take guidance from the report, and the follow-up consultation if you have one. Health is dynamic as you move through life's stages, and HTMA helps guide you as to where to focus your nutrition, including the need for any specific supplementation.

All of our products are practitioner quality and meet or exceed regulatory requirements, such as those set by the FDA and TGA. There's no megadosing — we operate on a philosophy of gentle and nurturing approaches to improving health. We take care during consultations to make sure our recommendations are compatible with any prescription medications being taken, health issues, and when pregnant or breast-feeding.


Medical nutrition is a specialised branch of healthcare that focuses on using food, nutrients, and dietary interventions to prevent and treat various health conditions. It emphasises the relationship between food and overall health, recognising that proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in preventing diseases, supporting recovery, and optimising well-being.

The benefits of medical nutrition are extensive and impactful. Here's how it can benefit your health:

Disease Prevention:A balanced and healthy diet can lower the risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers.

Support for Medical Conditions:Tailored nutritional plans can complement medical treatments for conditions like hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, and autoimmune diseases.

Optimised Healing:Proper nutrition accelerates the healing process after injuries, surgeries, or illnesses by providing essential nutrients vital for tissue repair and immune function.

Improved Energy and Vitality:A well-designed diet ensures adequate energy levels, enhancing overall vitality, cognitive function, and mood stability.

Weight Management:Medical nutrition strategies can assist in healthy weight management by guiding individuals toward appropriate portion sizes and nutrient-dense foods.

Enhanced Sports Performance:For athletes and active individuals, personalised nutrition plans can optimise performance, promote muscle recovery, and reduce the risk of injury.

Consulting with a qualified medical nutrition professional, using HTMA testing, can provide personalised dietary guidance tailored to individual needs and health goals, ensuring that you optimise your nutrition to support your overall health and well-being.

Several key factors influence living a long and healthy life as you age, and these cover lifestyle choices, the environment, genetics, and your overall well-being. Here are some of the crucial elements:

Food and Eating Right:Having a balanced and healthy diet loaded with fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats can significantly impact how long you live. It helps cut down the risk of long-term diseases, boosts the immune system, and provides essential nutrients that are crucial for your general health.

Getting Active:Regular exercise and staying active play a big part in staying healthy as you grow older. They help keep your muscles strong, maintain bone density, look after your heart health, and even support your brain's function. Plus, being active helps with managing your weight and lowers the chances of dealing with ongoing health problems.

Handling Stress:Long-term stress can take a toll on your health and speed up the ageing process. Practising stress-busting techniques like meditation, yoga, staying mindful, and making sure you get enough rest can keep you feeling good and living longer.

Sleeping Well:Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential for your body's healing processes, hormone balance, how well your brain works, and your immune system. Not getting proper sleep or struggling with its quality can have a big impact on your overall health and how fast you age.

Connecting with Others:Keeping strong social connections and building meaningful relationships can have a positive effect on your mental health, emotional well-being, and how long you live. Socialising can give you support, help you relax, and give your life a sense of purpose.

Steering Clear of Bad Habits:Avoiding or cutting down on harmful habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or using substances goes a long way in ensuring healthy ageing and a longer life.

Regular Health Checks and Preventive Care:Going for regular health check-ups, getting preventive care, and spotting health issues early can help manage and treat conditions, potentially giving you more years to enjoy life.

Genetics and Environment:While genetics have a role in how long you live, the choices you make and the environment you live in often have a bigger impact.

By taking a comprehensive approach that covers these factors, you can promote healthy ageing, boost your quality of life, and potentially add more years to your life while staying healthy overall.

Keeping a good balance between physical activity and nutrition is vital for reaching peak health. Here are some tips to nail that balance effectively:

Adjusting Diet for Activity Levels: Tweak your diet to match your physical activity. For days with higher activity, make sure you get enough carbs, proteins, and healthy fats to fuel workouts and help muscles recover. On less active days, adjust portion sizes to avoid taking in more calories than you need.

Stay Well-Hydrated:Hydration is crucial for both nutrition and physical activity. Drink adequate water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after workouts, to keep your body hydrated and support its functions.

Timing Meals and Snacks:Plan your meals and snacks around your activity routine. Have a well-rounded meal a few hours before working out to maintain your energy levels. After exercising, aim for a mix of protein and carbs to help your muscles repair and recover.

Prioritise Nutrient-Rich Foods:Focus on whole foods packed with nutrients like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, and good fats. They give you the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed for overall health and better performance during workouts.

Watch Portion Sizes:Keep an eye on how much you eat to avoid overindulging, especially after workouts when there's a tendency to eat more than necessary. Balance what you eat based on how much energy you've spent and try not to overeat after exercising.

Get Professional Advice:Think about seeing a health professional using HTMA testing who can create a personalised nutrition plan suited to your activity levels, goals, and food preferences. They can guide you in finding the right balance between what you eat and how much exercise you do for top-notch health.

Listen to Your Body:Pay attention to what your body tells you. Feeling tired, hungry, or lacking energy might mean it's time to tweak your diet or adjust your activity levels. Aim for a balance that keeps you feeling revitalised and supports your overall well-being.

Remember, maintaining the perfect equilibrium between physical activity and nutrition is an ongoing journey, regardless of age, that requires attention to both aspects to ensure you stay in tip-top shape. Changes might be needed based on individual requirements, goals, and shifts in activity levels over time. HTMA testing is a great tool for guiding when and what changes to make.


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